It's Time To Stop Putting Criminals First! Radical Prosecutor Parisa Dehghani-Tafti Is Keeping Criminals On Our Streets

Sign The Petition
“Prosecutors wont pursue marijuana possession charges” - The Washington Post, 8/28/20 Man Accused of Throwing Dogs Over Balcony Wouldn't Go To Jail - ARLNow 1.22.21 Twitter: Today I had the chance to do something prosecutors almostnever get to do: tell someone who had been charged with a crime that I was proud of them

We count on our prosecutors to keep us safe and keep dangerous criminals off our streets. What has Dehghani-Tafti done? Catch and release!

Arlington Needs Your Help - Remove Dehghani-Tafti

Sign The Petition

Under Dehghani-Tafti's Watch, Criminals Are Running Wild:

  • Let Animal Abusers Walk - Yes, Even the Ones Who Throw Dogs Off Balconies! 1
  • Refused To Prosecute Drug Crimes - Set a drug trafficker carrying 50 pounds of drugs free! 2
  • Dropped Charges For Sexual Battery & Indecent Exposure - Put victimizers back on the streets! 3
  • Allowed felony aggravated assaults to jump 40% 4

Parisa Dehghani-Tafti

Don’t Stand By While Arlington Is Overrun With Crime We Need A New Prosecutor NOW!

Protect Arlington Families Sign The Petition To Remove Dehghani-Tafti

Petition for Removal of Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti

  WHEREAS, Virginia Code Section 24.2-233 states in pertinent part: “Upon petition, a circuit court may remove from office any elected officer … [f]or neglect of duty, misuse of office, or incompetence in the performance of duties when that neglect of duty, misuse of office, or incompetence has a material adverse effect upon the conduct of the office.”;

  WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti failed to follow the law regarding her obligations under the Freedom of Information Act, Virginia Code Section 2.2-3700 et seq. until ordered by a judge in the Arlington County General District Court to comply with her legal obligations as an elected official;

  WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti has refused to properly prosecute defendants in numerous domestic assault and homicide cases resulting in victims of these crimes feeling alienated and therefore unimportant but which Dehghani-Tafti says is “doing exactly what I promised my community I would do. . .making the system more fair, more responsive”;

  WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti has refused to promptly fill the full number of budgeted attorney positions in order to efficiently and effectively prosecute cases of great public concern;

  WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti directed her assistant Commonwealth’s Attorneys in many cases to drop charges without stating a reason on the record;

  WHEREAS, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County Parisa Dehghani-Tafti has failed to prosecute drug crimes, including large-scale drug trafficking through the Ronald Reagan International Airport.

  THEREFORE, with heavy hearts that circumstances have led the undersigned to seek the implementation of this unique remedy under the Code of Virginia Sections 24.2-233 et seq, the undersigned registered voters of Arlington County hereby ask the Arlington County Circuit Court to immediately suspend the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County from her Office upon the filing of this petition, as allowed for by Virginia Code Section 24.2-236, and respectfully request this matter be subsequently set for a trial governing removal pursuant to Virginia Code Section 24.2-235 et seq.

Paid for by Virginians for Safe Communities, Inc. (VSC). Not authorized by a candidate.


1. Arlington Now; 2. The Washington Post and Arlington Now; 3. Arlington VA Crime Report and Arlington General District Court; Case #’s GC20002523-00 and GC20002522-00; 4. WTOP;